Security Tips

5 fast and free ways to boost your safety online

5 fast and free ways to boost your safety online
5 Sept 2022
3 min read

1. Check if your personal details have been stolen online

Data breaches can lead to identity theft and account take­over. With stolen data criminals can, for example, buy goods or take loans in your name. Every year hackers steal personal details from billions of users in data breaches. It’s likely yours have been stolen at some point.

Check your situation for free with F‑Secure Identity Theft Checker. If your data has been stolen, in many cases you can still prevent criminals from using it. There­fore, it really pays off to check if your details have been stolen.

2. Delete unnecessary online accounts and apps

Online accounts include your email address, pass­word, phone number, credit card number, home address, etc. That’s why data breaches are a serious threat. Delete the accounts you don’t use any­more so criminals can’t steal your data from them.

Also delete the apps you don’t use any­more to minimize risks. Some apps have permissions to access your contacts, messages, photos, and so on. They might also collect data about you in the back­ground. Remember to also delete the account related to the app if there’s one.

3. Use unique pass­words and two-factor authentication

If criminals steal your pass­word to an online account, they will try to access other accounts with it. And they often get in because people reuse their pass­words. Use a unique pass­word on every account so criminals can’t break into all your online accounts with one pass­word. A pass­word manager, like F‑Secure ID Protection, helps you remember your unique pass­words.

Another way to protect your accounts is to use two-factor authentication. It adds another method of verification, like finger­print or a code sent in SMS, so criminals can’t break in with just your pass­word. Enabling 2-factor authentication is fast and doesn’t require you to install or buy any­thing.

4. Boost your safety online with a secure browser

A browser is your access to the inter­net. Most of your online purchases, down­loads, searches, etc. are handled through it. That’s why browser security is important. Start using a browser that focuses on both privacy and security, such as Firefox or Brave.

It’s also important to keep your browser up to date so that it’s ready against new threats. Same goes with all the browser add-ons and plugins you might have.

5. Run a free virus scan

A virus on your device can damage your computer and phone, slow them down, steal your pass­words, and so on. Better get rid of them as soon as possible!

Here’s how you delete viruses fast and for free. If you are on your Windows PC, run a free virus scan with F‑Secure Online Scanner. It takes only a minute.

If you are using a Mac, Android phone, or tablet, start a free 30-day trial for F‑Secure Internet Security anti­virus. The app removes any possible viruses from your device. You don’t need to enter credit card details for the trial, and you don’t have to buy the app after the trial. However, having active virus protection prevents future infections.

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Want to be safe from online threats?

These free online safety tips take you far, but there are threats they don’t cover. Maximize your online safety and get internet security soft­ware for your devices. F‑Secure Total offers active protection against viruses, ransom­ware, unsafe web­sites, and other online threats.

  • Award-winning antivirus and malware protection

  • Online browsing, banking, and shopping protection

  • 24/7 online identity and data breach monitoring

  • Unlimited VPN service to safe­guard your privacy

  • Password manager with private data protection

Read more about Total