
How to remove a virus on Android phone?

10 Dec 2022
3 min read

Android devices can encounter viruses and malicious software, also known as malware. They can cause you harm by sending expensive SMS messages, encrypting your device for ransom, stealing money through banking apps, stealing your pass­­words, draining your phone’s battery, and so much more.

Here are 10 questions that can help protect your Android phone against viruses and malware.

F-Secure protects your Android phone from viruses

F-Secure protects your Android phone from viruses

Stop viruses and malware on all your devices with F‑Secure Internet Security

How to get rid of a virus on your phone?

Android devices can be infected by different types of malware, including viruses that replicate and cause damage, Trojans that disguise them­selves as legitimate apps, adware that displays intrusive advertisements, spyware that records your screen and secretly collects personal data, and ransom­ware that locks files and demands payment. Viruses and malware also slow down your Android device and drain its battery.

To detect and remove malware from your phone, you need an anti­virus for Android, like F‑Secure Internet Security. Anti­virus soft­ware removes Android viruses from your phone and blocks new virus infections. With F‑Secure Internet Security, you can protect your Android phone and other devices with the same subscription. You can try it for free for 30 days, and you don’t need to enter credit card details for the trial.

Apart from viruses on Android phones, is there some­thing else to watch out for?

Viruses and malware on phones don’t always work the same way as they do on computers. Many legitimate apps can gather detailed information about you. This blurs the line between a malicious and a normal app. The collected data is used for profiling you so advertisers can better target you with ads.

The easiest way to remove these malicious apps from your Android device is simply to uninstall them. The tricky part is to detect the unwanted actions and which app is causing them. That’s why it’s important to carefully consider why apps ask for certain app permissions.

Do you really want apps and their developers to have access to your photos, location, contacts, micro­phone and so on? If not, deny the app permissions. You can edit app permissions in Settings → Privacy → Permission manager.

Do you need anti­virus for your Android phone?

The best way to be safe from viruses is to prevent infection. Anti­virus for Android phones is the best way to do this. Phones are interesting targets for hackers because they are used to access social media accounts, email, banking, and other important things. There­fore, an Android anti­virus app is necessary.

Can you down­load a virus from an app store?

It’s unlikely, but possible. Official app stores, such as Google Play Store and Samsung Galaxy Store, have vetting processes to catch malicious apps and viruses. While rare, every now and then malicious apps get through. And like said, some apps can do bad things without being viruses. These apps can be down­loaded from app stores.

Unofficial app stores, however, are a different thing. They can be practically any­thing. The same goes for unfamiliar apps down­loaded from web­sites. Only trust official app stores to better protect your phone and avoid installing malware on your device.

How do you get a virus on your phone?

You can get malware from unsafe Wi‑Fi net­works, unofficial app stores, email attachments and malicious web­sites. Some­times malicious Android apps get through the vetting processes and are available for anyone to download, even on the official app store. Phishing emails and SMS messages are also widely used to trick users into clicking malicious links or downloading attachments with mobile malware.

How do I know if my Android phone has a virus?

It can be difficult to say for sure without an Android antivirus app. Some common signs of Android malware include increased data usage, unexpected pop-up ads and unfamiliar ads appearing on your device.

Learn about possible warning signs that your phone could have a virus.

How can I prevent malware from infecting my Android phone?

Besides downloading apps only from official app stores, you can minimize the risk of malware by keeping your Android OS and installed apps up to date. The latest updates patch vulnerabilities that hackers can use to take over your device.

Also, make sure to enable Google Play Protect to scan apps for threats, avoid clicking on suspicious links in emails or social media messages, and use a reliable Android antivirus app, like F‑Secure Internet Security, for extra protection.

How can I secure my phone’s network connections?

Free public Wi‑Fi networks can be handy but also unsafe. To protect your device from network-based threats, avoid public Wi‑Fi unless using a trusted VPN.

A virtual private network, or VPN, encrypts your data and makes browsing the web on your Android device safer. However, it is still best to rely on mobile data when accessing sensitive information on your phone.

How do I protect my accounts from hackers?

Use strong, unique passwords for each service to protect your online accounts. A password manager that generates safe passwords and keeps them secure makes it easier to keep track of all your passwords.

In addition to safe passwords, enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of protection and monitor account activity for unusual logins. Never share pass­words or sensitive information with anyone you do not know or trust.

Are Android devices safer than iPhones?

Although both Apple’s iOS and Android operating systems are vulnerable to hackers and other online threats, iPhones tend to be safer in many ways. Android is used by different manufacturers, and it offers more flexibility for app developers — this also makes it more vulnerable to malware.

iOS, on the other hand, has a more controlled ecosystem with stricter screening of what gets into the Apple App Store. Either way, it is always recommended that you strengthen your mobile protection and install antivirus software on your phone regardless of your phone’s operating system.

F-Secure Internet Security

Do you want to protect your Android phone against viruses?

Malware and viruses for Android phones are increasing as more things are done through mobile devices. To stay safe, get the best mobile anti­virus, F‑Secure Internet Security. It protects your phone from virus infections, and you can get it on your computer as well. Try it for free for 30 days.