Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
A Bouguet of Love A Day in Bed Coupon A Monkey Rose for You A Red Hot Kiss Against All Odds All That Matters Baby, I'll Be There Back Together Breakfast in Bed Coupon Can't Wait to See You! Cyber Love Dinner Coupon Dream Date Coupon Emptiness Inside Me Fields Of Love For You Full Heart I Believe I Can't Function I Dream of You I Think of You Internet Love It's Your Move
| Kiss Coupon Love Birds Love You Deeply Made for Each Other Miracle of Love Moonlit Waterfall My Invitation Our Love Our Love is Free Our Two Hearts Passionate Kiss Pockets of Love Puppy Love Red Rose Sending You My Love Showers of Love Someone at Last Soul Partners Summer Love Take My Hand That Special Love The Dance of Love The Long Haul
| The Love Bugs This Day Forward This Feeling Till Morning's Light Till Morninig's Light The Mood for Love To New Spouse Together Again Together You and I Touched by Love Twice Blest Until the Day We're a Perfect Fit Wild Nights Will you? When I'm With You Worthy of You Wrapped Up Wrapped in Your Arms You are our of this world You Lucky Duck! You Rock Me! You Were Worth the Wait
Thanks to Diego who notified us and told us that this list looks very similar to the list of Romantic Cards over at 2000greetings.com and indeed it does. The list of files is much shorter: Greeting Postcard.exe postcard.exe greeting card.exe Flash Postcard.exe flash postcard.exe
We now detect this as Email-Worm.Win32.Zhelatin.a. Note: For those of you who aren't already filtering EXE's in the e-mail gateway – do it now!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
From: "Eddie Arredondo" <371cameron@m4m.biz> To: "Mikko Hypponen" <mikko.hypponen> Received: from 4koiahot.0o4xb.aol.com (ppp85-140-200-191.pppoe.mtu-net.ru []) by mx1.f-secure.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id B58F167CF2; Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:59:43 +0200 (EET) Subject: Fw: Re: Yuo will want this Job Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 01:01:25 +0400
Yo Mikko.hypponen!
We are a small and relatively Software Development and Outsourcing Company specializing in enterprise application development, system integration, corporate networks and other software solutions for business, finance, and for various types of problems. The company based in Ukraine but at this time we open new office in Bulgaria. We’ve earned ourselves a reputation of a reliable and trustworthy partner working successfully with a number of West European and North American copmanies and providing them with reliable software development services in financial, telecom and media sectors Also we are in search of new partners.
Unfortunately we are currently facing some difficulties with receiving payments for our services. It usually takes us 10-30 days to receive a payment from your country and such delays are harmful to uor business. We do not have so much time to accept every wire transfer and we can't accept cashier’s checks or money orders as well. That’s why we are currently looking for partners in your country to help us accept and process these payments faster.
If you are looking for a chance to make an additional profit you can become our representative in your country. As our representative you will receive 8% of every deal we conduct. Your job will be accepting funds in the form of wire transfers and check payments and forwarding them to us. It is nota full-time job, but rather a very convenient and fast way to receive additional income. We also consider opening an office in your country in the nearest future and you will then have certain privileges should you decide to apply for a full-time job. This is an entry level opportunity in the field of financial services. Our financial professionals work with clients to help them achieve their many financial goals such as saving on taxes.
We therefore solicit your assistacne in remitting this money and facilitating transactions. If you believe you would be able to undertake such a task and are interested in this job, please respond to uaelectronic2@aim.com and send us the following information about yourself:
1. Your Full Name as it appears on your resume. 2. Education. 3. Your Contact Address. 4. Telephone/Fax number. 5. Your present Occupation and Position currently held. 6. Your Age
Please respond ASAP and we will provide you with additional details on how you can become our representative. Joining us and starting business today will cost you nothing and you will b eable to earn a bit of extra money fast and easy.
Should you have any quesitons, please feel free to contact us at the address mentioned above. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kerri Knight Director of Electronic Co
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
% ping org.org
Reply from bytes=32 time=206ms TTL=48 Reply from bytes=32 time=237ms TTL=48 Reply from bytes=32 time=213ms TTL=48
% ping net.net.net
Reply from bytes=32 time=177ms TTL=111 Reply from bytes=32 time=182ms TTL=111 Reply from bytes=32 time=182ms TTL=111
% ping com.com.com.com
Reply from bytes=32 time=186ms TTL=244 Reply from bytes=32 time=185ms TTL=244 Reply from bytes=32 time=185ms TTL=244
Wednesday, January 3, 2007