People interested in reverse engineering with IDA Pro might like to hear that a new version of IDAPython, the Python plugin for IDA Pro, has been released. It supports IDA Pro 4.8, wraps even more API calls and comes with a number of new features.
* Batch execution support (use the option * Added ScriptBox - lists previously run scripts (Hotkey:Alt-7) * Added support for IDA Pro 4.8 (both Linux and Windows) * Dropped support for IDA Pro 4.6 and 4.6SP1 versions * Wrapped the list chooser (see examples/ * A dozen or so IDC functions added * Lots of char * API calls wrapped * Added Python error handling in the plugin C layer * Bunch of misc small cleanups and fixes * For more details see CHANGES-SWIG.txt and CHANGES-Plugin.txt * API CHANGE: {Next|Prev}Function() return BADADDR instead of -1
The following screenshot shows IDAPython running a simple XOR decryptor on Linux: