

Category :


Type :


Aliases :

Virus:W32/Sality.AA, Win32.Sality.OG, Application.Findkeyxp.F, Spyware.Pws.A, Virus.Win32.Sality.aa


Virus:W32/Sality.AA is an appending file infector virus that uses an entry point obscuring technique to hide its presence on the system.


Based on the settings of your F-Secure security product, it will either move the file to the quarantine where it cannot spread or cause harm, or remove it.

A False Positive is when a file is incorrectly detected as harmful, usually because its code or behavior resembles known harmful programs. A False Positive will usually be fixed in a subsequent database update without any action needed on your part. If you wish, you may also:

  • Check for the latest database updates

    First check if your F-Secure security program is using the latest updates, then try scanning the file again.

  • Submit a sample

    After checking, if you still believe the file is incorrectly detected, you can submit a sample of it for re-analysis.

    Note: If the file was moved to quarantine, you need to collect the file from quarantine before you can submit it.

  • Exclude a file from further scanning

    If you are certain that the file is safe and want to continue using it, you can exclude it from further scanning by the F-Secure security product.

    Note: You need administrative rights to change the settings.

Technical Details

The virus attempts to terminate running antivirus programs. It can also download and install additional malware on the system.


The following file may be dropped on the system:

  • [System]\drivers\[random].sys

The file is detected as Virus.Win32.Sality.ab.

It will copy itself to removable drives and shared folders as one of the following :

  • [randomname].exe
  • [randomname].pif
  • [randomname].cmd

An autorun.inf file will be created on the drive so that the malware will be executed when it is connected to a computer. It also modifies %windir%\SYSTEM.INI by adding the following section :

  • [MCIDRV_VER] DEVICE=[random alphanumeric string]


Once on the system, the virus searches the hard disk (starting with C:\) and infects any files with the following extensions:

  • .exe
  • .scr

It also infects files with .EXE extensions that are referenced as data in the following registry keys:

  • [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run]
  • [HLKM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run]

The virus appends itself by creating a new 73728 bytes sized section named "[random characters]data". The section contains Sality.AA's obfuscated code.

Entry Point Obscuration

On infection, the first 327 bytes from the file's entry point are overwritten with deobfuscation code. If the user executes the infected file, Sality.AA restores the original entry point code and launches the program in order to mask its presence.


When run, Sality.AA creates a mutex to ensure only one instance is running. It then modifies a large range of registry entries. The virus attempts to disable processes and services containing strings related to major antivirus software.

Network Connection

The malware connects to the following website to verify an Internet connection :


The malware may connect to the following sites to download and execute additional malware :


Downloaded files are encrypted. They are unencrypted by the malware to the %temp% folder and executed.

The following URLs may possibly be used to get further instructions:

  • https://klkjwre77638dfqwieuoi888.[...]/
  • https://kukutrustnet777888.[...]/

Process Changes

Creates these mutexes:

  • op1mutx9

Registry Modifications

Sets these values:

  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings GlobalUserOffline = 6684751
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system EnableLUA = 6422625 [Vista User Access Control Disabled]
  • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications\List [malware path] = [malware path]:*:Enabled:ipsec [Windows Firewall Disabled]
  • HKCU\Software\user914\1214104697 1919251317 = 3276857
  • HKCU\Software\user914\1214104697 -456464662 = 3407926
  • HKCU\Software\user914\1214104697 1462786655 = 3604530
  • HKCU\Software\user914\1214104697 -912929324 = 3735602
  • HKCU\Software\user914\1214104697 1006321993 = 3342390
  • HKCU\Software\user914\1214104697 -1369393986 = 0600687474703A2F2F7777772E6D7573696B72616A742E736B2F6D61696E662E 67696600687474703A2F2F6D616365646F6E69612E6D79312E72752F6D61696E682E676966006874 74703A2F2F6A7273782E6A72652E6E65742E636E2F6C6F676F732E67696600687474
  • HKCU\Software\user914\1214104697 549857331 = 865E52A75BF33F5D5AA15DAFA722193EDDA8540E6C496C04CF492EF296AFD1AFD EDBC79CEA25E0F6F53B2D9CC0FA963F3A4CC745615E85AFE1E18AEA7E620D11174F3892E84 B5B5DD288784938E304B2D65C454E833D6AF929809110987E5B4B3E4D581071DA4948CB9F84
  • HKCU\Software\user914 u1_0 = 655360
  • HKCU\Software\user914 u2_0 = 655360
  • HKCU\Software\user914 u3_0 = 655360
  • HKCU\Software\user914 u4_0 = 655360
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\FWCFG EnableFileTracing = 7471188
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\FWCFG EnableConsoleTracing = 7471188
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\FWCFG FileTracingMask = 7209065
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\FWCFG ConsoleTracingMask = 7209065
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\FWCFG MaxFileSize = 7077993
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Tracing\FWCFG FileDirectory = %windir%\tracing
  • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile EnableFirewall = 7471209 [Windows Firewall Disabled]
  • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile DoNotAllowExceptions = 7340133
  • HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Hidden = 4718592
  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system DisableTaskMgr = 6357076 [Task Manager Disabled]
  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system DisableRegistryTools = 7929970 [Registry Editor Disabled]
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center AntiVirusOverride = 6619254
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center AntiVirusDisableNotify = 5111909 [Alerts for no Antivirus Disabled]
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center FirewallDisableNotify = 5111909 [Alerts for no Firewall Disabled]
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center FirewallOverride = 6619254
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center UpdatesDisableNotify = 5111909 [Alerts for no Windows-Updates Disabled]
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center UacDisableNotify = 5111909
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc AntiVirusOverride = 6619254
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc AntiVirusDisableNotify = 5111909 [Alerts for no Antivirus Disabled]
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc FirewallDisableNotify = 5111909 [Alerts for no Firewall Disabled]
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc FirewallOverride = 6619254
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc UpdatesDisableNotify = 5111909 [Alerts for no Windows-Updates Disabled]
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc UacDisableNotify = 5111909

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