Expand your offering with antivirus co-branding solutions

Antivirus co-branding helps expand your brand’s offering for new and existing customers and make profit with a ready and proven security solution.

Our antivirus, your brand

Co-branding antivirus software under your brand is the fastest and most convenient way to provide your customers with antivirus software consistent with your brand image. Partnering with F‑Secure simplifies cyber security for your brand and customers. With F‑Secure Total, your customers only need a single app for all their internet security needs, including more than just an antivirus solution.

With advanced protection from malware, browsing and banking protection, Total makes it easy to stay safe in the online world. On top of that, help your customers browse in private with an advanced VPN and secure their personal information with online identity management tools. Your customers can use a single Total subscription to protect the whole family, with additional family rules that help monitor children’s internet use and set limits to daily screen time.

Co-branding benefits businesses across different business sectors, from banks and ISPs to device manufacturers and retailers. For example, in the insurance business, co-branding is especially beneficial when bundled with cyber insurance. When you offer your customers a proven security solution, you can decrease insurance claims by keeping your customers safe from cyber threats. And all while maximizing your profits from selling both cyber insurance and a co-branded antivirus solution.

How does co-branding antivirus software work?

Here’s how partnering with F‑Secure works for providing co-branded antivirus solutions for your customers: Contact our sales by filling in your information. We’ll contact you and tailor our award-winning antivirus solution to your brand’s needs. And as a partner, we don’t only provide the technology but also help you to maximize the lifetime value of your customers. With a co-branded solution, your own brand is always at the forefront.

Our award-winning antivirus solution can be co-branded to your look or embedded into your existing customer experience via SDKs and APIs. In addition to our comprehensive online security solution and co-branded antivirus, you can benefit from insights about consumer needs, positioning and value creation by partnering with us.

Key benefits of co-branding together with us

beyond your core business


Stand out
from the competition

the value of individual customers

customer loyalty

Simplify your customers’ online security with co-branded antivirus

The importance of the internet and online services grows, as does the complexity of online security. Be there to simplify online security for your customers with comprehensive internet security services.

It isn’t just cyber security service providers that consumers trust when it comes to buying antivirus solutions and other internet security products. Insurance companies, mobile operators, internet providers, device and operating system manufacturers, and banks are other trusted choices for consumers.

Your customers aren’t the only ones who benefit from antivirus co-branding. Companies can also reap the benefits of happier, better-protected consumers. With antivirus co-branding, you get to:

  • Expand beyond your core business and reduce churn with our antivirus co-branding solutions. Integrate the already existing solution to fit your brand.
  • Stand out from the competition and other key players in your industry. Make online security a selling point that sets you apart from others.
  • Increase the value of individual customers. Antivirus co-branding helps you win new customers and improve the value of existing ones.
  • Improve customer loyalty. Better retention rates and lower churn are key to operating your business. Co-branding partners who offer online security, such as antivirus solutions, with their core products report higher Net Promoter Scores (NPS).

F‑Secure has expertise and experience in antivirus co-branding. With more than 500 service launches, 200 service provider partnerships, and long-term relationships with thousands of resellers under our belt, F‑Secure is your co-branding partner for success.

Co-branded antivirus software for your industry

Partner with F‑Secure to integrate our award-winning antivirus protection with your brand and business. We offer co-branding solutions for businesses across industries, from insurance companies to banks and mobile operators. Read more and find the right co-branding services for your brand.

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