As more and more websites are using database back-ends to make them faster and more dynamic, it also means that it's crucial to verify what information gets stored in or requested from those databases — especially if you allow users to upload content themselves which happens all the time in discussion forums, blogs, feedback forms, et cetera.
Unless that data is sanitized before it gets saved you can't control what the website will show to the users. This is what SQL injection is all about, exploiting weaknesses in these controls. In this case the injection code starts off like this (note, this is not the complete code):
Which when decoded becomes:
DECLARE @T varchar(255)'@C varchar(255) DECLARE Table_Cursor
CURSOR FOR select a.name'b.name from sysobjects a'syscolumns b
where a.id=b.id and a.xtype='u' and (b.xtype=99 or b.xtype=35
or b…
What happens as a result? It finds all text fields in the database and adds a link to malicious javascript to each and every one of them which will make your website display them automatically. So essentially what happened was that the attackers looked for ASP or ASPX pages containing any type of querystring (a dynamic value such as an article ID, product ID, et cetera) parameter and tried to use that to upload their SQL injection code.
So far three different domains have been used to host the malicious content —
nmidahena.com, aspder.com and
nihaorr1.com. There's a set of files that gets loaded from these sites that attempts to use different exploits to install an online gaming trojan. Right now the initial exploit page on all domains are unaccessible but that could change. So if you're a firewall administrator we recommend you to block access to them.
So what should you do?First of all, search your website logs for the code above and see if you've been hit. If so, clean up your database to prevent your website visitors from becoming infected. Second, make sure that all the data you pass to your database is sanitized and that no code elements can be stored there. Third, block access to the sites above. Fourth, make sure the software you use is patched,
F-Secure Health Check is an easy way to do this. Fifth, keep your antivirus solution up-to-date.
UPDATE: We've received some questions on the platform and operating systems affected by this attack. So far we've only seen websites using Microsoft IIS Web Server and Microsoft SQL Server being hit. Do note that this attack doesn't use vulnerabilities in any of those two applications. What makes this attack possible is poorly written ASP and ASPX (.net) code.